A Customer Service Expert

Ms Angie is your Customer Success Savant

Changing the way we communicate Professionally, Personally & Spiritually

Why Choose Ms. Angie?

Ms. Angie’s heart of service gives her that extra edge to reach people with love and grace as a motivational speaker and published author. She shares her values and her experiences from the customer service industry to help empower your team. Let her elevate your team’s mindset with her C.A.R.E philosophy and teach your team about the many aspects of good customer service.

  • 40+ years of Customer Service Experience
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Motivational Speaker
  • C.A.R.E Philosophy

About Ms Angie

It is my goal in life to reach those who need help and support to find their happily ever after. Too often trauma runs our lives and I hope to show you how to let go of those traumas so that you find the emotional balance you need to find your true calling. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you on your journey. This is a safe place, a place where help awaits and all you must do is let me know how I can help you.

Ms. Angie bio pic

Signature Topics

  • Knowing your Customers
  • The 5 Degrees of Customers
  • How to be a Customer Service Specialist
  • From Trauma to Success

Speaking Points

  • Intention vs. Interpretation
  • The road between fair and equal
  • Changing the way we communicate


  • Trauma & the Brain
  • Foster Parent
  • Ombudsman
  • Life Coach
  • Relationship Coach
