The Power of the People

Power of the People

The Power of the People

We all hold in our own hands our destiny. Not every person is called for every purpose. We are all meant for a different purpose. I am not proficient in certain areas, and I have no desire to be. That doesn’t mean I am not valuable within my purpose as I strive to be the best.

Your response is your responsibility. It is within every person to set the goals that they are trying to achieve. My bar is set fairly high for me and what I believe I can obtain. It is not meant for someone else, nor do I put that burden on anyone.
The cycle of a relationship helps us understand that we control the outcome of every relationship. It is within us to appreciate all the good and bad that comes within our journeys. We learn from the bad and we are encouraged by the good. Why wouldn’t we embrace them both?

Men and women are different, and they process and learn in different ways. Understanding what each brings to the table, especially when interacting with customers, is key in using everyone to their strengths, and abilities. Not every person can handle a Hot Customer.

For those that can, we need them just like the firemen, to put out the fire.

“YES, I want to be a customer success expert too”